Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Wrap Up and Begin Again

So a couple of notes to transition to the next focus for this space.

June Performance- These 2 performances went well in the Durham School of the Arts spaces. Nice turnout, good audience, and it felt like a good ending to the rehearsals. I was sad I wasn't going to be working with the dancers again- it had been a really positive creative exercise and personally, it had just been nice sharing space with them. (it had been kind of a tough spring.) Very nicely they asked me to serve as their outside choreographer in the spring of '08, using Love and War as the starting point. I'm excited.

As a writer, I really enjoyed the collaborative nature of the effort and watching text and movement translate back and forth. That translation was probably the most interesting thing overall, the fluidity between the two languages wasn't something I had expected and I'm excited to see how else that type of translation can be pushed. I like to do translation exercises (poem in a language other than English, poem in an alphabet like Cyrillic, a series of photos, a train schedule, etc.) for writing classes but seldom use them in my own writing. I loved that this wasn't just a one-way exchange but continued back and forth between the 2 languages. I'm also going to work on a project helping a dancer write a poem, a kind of mirror image of them helping me choreograph a dance.

So as part of both of those projects, I'm going to start keeping this blog again, first to catch up on some parts of the process, then to note what's happening as it does. Being able to look back on this has been helpful, so I'll try it for a bit more.

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